Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Make it at home: Tarbell's Scotch Beef with Red Wine Gravy

Tarbell's is a long standing Biltmore cooridor staple with a reputation for fresh excellence.  This recipe is one of our favorites.

The Recipe: Tarbell's Scotch Beef with Red Wine Gravy

Beef and Veggies:
1 6-7 pound cross-rib or chuck roast
4 ounces vegetable oil
2 stalks celery
2 medium carrots
1 yellow onion
1 tsp chopped garlic
3 Roma tomatoes
2 cups red wine
1 quart water
Fresh herbs such as parsley, thyme, and oregano
  1. In heavy-bottomed pan, heat vegetable oil.
  2. Season beef with salt and pepper and sear on all sides until dark brown. 
  3. Remove to small roasting pan.
  4. Sauté all vegetables in same heavy pan until light brown, and deglaze with red wine.
  5. Add to beef.
  6. Add water and aromatic herbs, cover, and cook at 3500 until fork tender, about 2-1/2 to 3 hours.
Red Wine Gravy:
2 ounces flour
2 ounces melted butter
1 quart beef stock
1 quart veal stock
1/2 bottle dry red wine
2 sprigs fresh thyme
3 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
1/2 a yellow onion.
Salt and freshly ground pepper

  1. In small pan, combine flour and butter to make a roux.
  2. Add liquids, thyme, garlic, and onion and simmer to reduce by half.
  3. Strain, discarding solids.
  4. Season gravy to taste with salt and pepper.
Serve Scotch Beef surrounded with sautéed, seasonal vegetables. Serves 4-6

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